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I must admit I often let time get away from me. The entire summer went by without me writing or reflecting on all of the amazing experiences I am blessed to have. I found myself playing catch-up (and I still am) so that I could share these moments with all of you. After my last post I’d like to say that I am FINALLY caught up with sharing my favorite moments of 2017! It’s hard to believe that this year is already over, and while some people might say that it was an AWFUL year, I have to say NO WAY! I got married, started a new job that I love, started this blog, grew my business, watched many of my husband’s dreams come true and much, much more. Yes of course there were the not so fun times like losing Chauncey and some dear friends - but those kinds of experiences also make us grow as people. I've taken the past seven days since ringing in the new year to reflect on everything that has happened and take time to make some resolutions for this coming year.

This year there are definitely some things I’d like to change in my life. My first resolution is - you guessed it - don’t let time get away from me! In the words of my friend, Taraleigh Weathers, I’ll be slaying those time vampires this year! I want to try to be more intentional with my time and more present ... So far, I’ve decided that putting down my phone, making spending time with family and friends a priority, and focusing on making the most out of every moment are great places to start. It’s so easy to get swept away when there are so many fun things on your schedule, but the little things really are the things that mean the most. If you have any tips for me, PLEASE, feel free to leave them in the comments!

My second resolution is to try things I always have said that I wanted to but then said I don’t have time to do. With those time vampires gone I’m hoping to have more time in my day to take that yoga class I have been wanting to go to since we moved to Burlington (six months ago!), go on more hikes (I really want to conquer Camel’s Hump this summer), and really spend more time outdoors in general. Ryan and I had so much fun camping this summer that I really think it’s something I’d love to do on every free day that we have. Enjoying nature is also a great way for us to save money, spend time together and see the beautiful places that exist in our own backyard.

My third resolution is to take more chances with my business. 2017 was a great year for learning what to do and what not to do in terms of how to work with others, how to manage others, how to manage my time, and how to have a “real job” while still doing what I am passionate about on a daily basis. With new clients, new followers of Tour Wife Tour Life, and new ideas coming daily I am very hopeful that 2018 will be an amazingly successful year!

And of course, just like any other year, the goal that usually brings it all together - SEE MORE LIVE MUSIC! Making more time for what is truly important to me includes going to shows with friends I miss seeing most of the year now that I don’t live in New York City. Trying things I’ve always wanted to includes seeing new bands that I may have passed up. And music is what brought me to where I am today so I know it will continue to help me thrive in my business. I hope that many more years in my life will start and end with an amazing New Years Run by one of my favorite bands, whether it’s Phish, Twiddle, someone new, or all of the above!


I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes,

you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.

- Neil Gaiman


What goals or resolutions have you made for yourself for 2018?

xoxo. Alexandra


Hey guys! My name is

Alexandra Dempsey, I am 31 years old and live in Stowe, Vermont.

I recently decided to start this blog to give you all a look into the life of a tour wife - the highs, the lows, and EVERYTHING in between!

My rock star husband, Ryan Dempsey

of Twiddle, stands by me every step

of the way as we journey on this whirlwind we like to call the "tour life."

Follow along on my travels, hear

stories from fellow tour wives, and

earn about some of my favorite things. Hope you enjoy and

thanks so much for reading!!

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