WOW, YOU GUYS! Life has been so insane over the past few weeks. From traveling abroad and back to having to unpack and wash all of our stuff and then having to repack for Ryan to leave for tour - I feel like I've had no time to update you guys (even though nothing really exciting has been going on). It was nice to get some off time for Ryan so we could all hang out, but we were basically busy house hunting (still no luck) and getting ready for him to leave again. This weekend was probably the craziest though, and if you were following my Facebook updates you probably know at least some part of the story.
Everything began with an amazing Twiddle show on Thursday at Higher Ground to celebrate their 20th anniversary. Ryan's whole family came along with a ton of our friends, including Jason and Chelsea, who were days away from having their first baby. It was so much fun to see everyone and celebrate together, plus Twiddle covered My Girl>Girlfriend is Better>Funky Town>Girlfriend is Better, which was a highlight of my night.

Zero Gravity brewed a delicious beer to commemorate Higher Ground's 20th Year!

The record player had a box of vinyls next to it with a note saying "Leave A Vinyl" - such a great selection!

I wasn't too sure about sending it to Connecticut for the College Street Music Hall show, but my friend Sierra convinced me by offering to drive me and Oscar, as well as finding us a ride home. Seemed like a no-brainer so we headed down to New Haven! Another great Twiddle show later and it was time for us to head back to the hotel. Here is where the craziness began, because Ryan begged me to stay on the bus with him and Oscar, and I listened. The band was leaving for the next show in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania at 8AM so Sierra gave me her car keys to let Oscar into the car in the morning so we could get ready to leave. Well.......... the bus left New Haven with me and Oscar STILL ON IT! And Sierra's car keys in my pocket! Long story short I had to buy her a new car key from the dealership so that she could get back home and I now had to find my own way back home. Oh, and our offer didn't get accepted for the house we were hoping to buy. So it was an all around not great way to start the day.

Snuggling pre-show in New Haven

"Stolen from College Street Music Hall" :)

Snuggles in Ryan's bunk after learning we were already in PA! Oscar can't be bothered!
Since Ryan's cousins were coming to the Stroudsburg show it definitely wasn't a bad place to get stuck. I love getting to spend time with them! Ryan's cousin Jason offered to give me a ride to Sierra's house the next day to drop her stuff off and pick up mine, and then I figured I would just get a rental car and drive back to Burlington. This was probably one of the most frustrating experiences of my life because the company would not let me pick up the car because I didn't have a credit card on me. Even though I paid with my own credit card through an online reservation. Even though all of my names matched on all of my IDs, debit cards, etc. Even though I started crying and was like PLEASE I'M STRANDED. Never rent a car from anyone at the Albany International Airport they were all mean to me lol!

Oscar and his cousin passed out on the way to Albany!
I finally made it back to Burlington after missing a full day of work on Monday, but I must say it was quite an adventure. I'm glad that the band I was seeing when all of this craziness happened was my husband's band because at least it made it sweet! Plus, I came back to the wonderful news that our friends Jason and Chelsea had their baby boy! Congratulations guys, we love you!
Honorable mentions go to: Sierra for not wanting to kill me and still being my frend, Liam for helping me out with a ride from Albany to Lake George, and Lynn, the best mother-in-law ever for picking me up in Lake George and taking us all the way back to Burlington so Oscar and I wouldn't be stranded! And thanks for everyone commenting on my status trying to help out the whole weekend you guys are all amazing!
Has anything crazy like this ever happened to you? Leave it in the comments, I'd love to hear about it!
xoxo. Alexandra
PS: Check out the @TourWifeTourLife Instagram page for some videos from this weekend - they are posted on the TWEEKEND Highlights Story!