Squeezing in the little husband and wife moments before tours can sometimes seem so hard. Ryan just got back two weeks ago and he’s already heading out on the road again for another month. Unfortunately, his welcome home was overrun with doctors visits and X-rays because he had severely sprained his ankle. We spent the next week getting ready for our housewarming party and, once that was over, we finally had some time to spend together and enjoy our favorite season in Vermont. When I moved here three years ago I lived in our first apartment together alone for a little over a month. We picked it out and he left a few days later - my parents helped me move my life from NYC and settle into Stowe and my new job at Stowe Mountain Lodge. I took Oscar on a ton of hikes around the Stowe area and it was super special to finally take Ryan on one of the very first hikes I did with him at Bingham Falls. I have been telling Ryan that I’d love to bring him there for years so one morning we decided to head out on an adventure. We drove down the Notch Road between Smuggler’s Notch and Mount Mansfield to admire the scenery, stopping along the way before arriving at the falls. Walking through the woods and hearing the roaring water in the distance was so peaceful and made my heart so happy! Ryan was pretty surprised that Oscar hiked so far to see the largest waterfall and we both laughed as I told him stories of Oscar pulling me down the wet mossy stairs made out of rocks! It brought back so many memories and I’m glad that now I’ll have a whole stack of new memories there with him!

What are some of your favorite things to do with your significant other? BONUS POINTS for activities in Vermont so I can enjoy them with mine! xoxo. Alexandra