I’ve always wanted to throw a Halloween party and who would have ever thought my first one would happen during a global pandemic! Now before you go thinking that I am nuts, we all quarantined and had negative COVID tests so that we could do this (plus the last people we all saw was each other anyway!). Of course I got to Pinterest-ing and found so many fun recipes and decorations to really get into the spooky Halloween spirit! Check out the gallery and let me know what you think!
I decided to make some fun treats for the party but also keep it simple so that I could spend time with everyone that came over. For an appetizer I opted for a Tortilla Chips and Taco Dip with layers of cream cheese and sour cream mixture, salsa, Mexican cheese, and jalapeños - I even added a spider made out of olives on a sour cream web for a spooky touch! We also bought a charcuterie plate, since who doesn't love one of those! For dinner I made some Macaroni and Cheese and dyed it green... Ryan said it looked like brains HAHA! I also made mummy hot dogs but we never got a photo of those because we ate them so quickly! For dessert I threw some candy eyeballs on some delicious chocolate chip cookies and made a family favorite, Mud Pie with gummy worms! We even brought out the food coloring a second time for our drinks: a green lemonade "Ghoul Drool" and a purple Wild Berry flavored Truly! #GubbColors
I wanted the party to be super festive so I told everyone to dress up. Here are all of our costumes! Can you guess who is who?
xoxo. Alexandra